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Evan Marie Brown & Jason Mitchell Renfro — Minted

Evan Marie Brown


Jason Mitchell Renfro

Evan Marie Brown and Jason Mitchell Renfro

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

42 days until the big day!

Our Story

Sixteen years may separate the Fairport High School versions of Evan + Jason from the ones you know today, but fate (and three dating apps!) had something serendipitous in store. While Jason remembers stolen glances and hidden crushes, Evan recalls thinking him "way too outgoing" – a stark contrast to the calm presence she sees today.

Fast forward to 2020, their paths crossed again under the digital moonlight of dating apps. Jason, ever the charmer, pursued connecting with Evan on no less than three platforms, his enthusiasm finally catching Evan's eye. Hesitant but intrigued, she accepted his message, leading to a heartfelt invitation to rediscover their city of Rochester.

Their first date was dinner at Evan's apartment, though it wasn't exactly a culinary masterpiece. Evan, knowing Jason was a devoted vegan, whipped up a (less-than-appetizing) chickpea soup. Amidst the laughter and too-spicy-soup, they discovered a treasure trove of shared experiences: navigating young adulthood in new cities, careers in tech, a love for music and books, and cherished families. Oh, and Evan's adorable kitten, Marvin, won Jason's heart instantly.

That first date stretched into six unforgettable hours, the spicy soup forgotten as conversations flowed. Despite the culinary disaster, a second date was set that very night, marking the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

Adventures unfolded – exploring new cities, soaking up the sun in Costa Rica and Mexico, getting swept away by Parisian romance, and countless laughter-filled moments by their beloved St. Lawrence River. Jason patiently (and hilariously) introduced Evan to the world of golf (played barefoot and with cocktails, naturally), while Evan reciprocated by introducing him to Phish and other jam band concerts. Hosting theme parties, Bravo marathons, sunset cruises on their boat, tennis matches, and indulging in their shared love for gourmet dining – each experience woven into the tapestry of their love story.

Evan finds solace in Jason's thoughtful nature and calming presence, feeling loved every day. Jason, in turn, admires Evan's boundless love and infectious enthusiasm for life's adventures, big and small.

Then came the "oui" moment. The night before their Parisian escapade, Jason surprised Evan with a proposal in the heart of Fairport, his equally surprised family joining the celebration. Tears, joy, and champagne flowed as they embarked on their Parisian adventure, hand-in-hand and hearts overflowing.

Looking ahead, their eyes sparkle with dreams: a cozy home, a growing family, nurturing their riverfront haven, and perhaps, a furry addition in the form of a (big) dog. But above all, they cherish the simple joy of being each other's companion .